Our History

'Colles-Cléopâtre' over the years...

The Thirties : the Years of Origin

The great adventure of CLEOPATRE’s glue started with Mr Chamson in 1930 in Paris under the name « la maison P.Chamson ».

The production is based in a flat, 4 rue Chapon – Paris 3. Just remember that glue was made from flour and water at the time by everybody. To buy glue was a true luxury!

The first pots of glue were made from aluminum and had no spreader, the glue was made from potato starch.

old tiny pot

There was a competition war going on between the main glue manufacturers of the time («Adhésine», «Aderfix», «La Meije», «Grip-fix») that rapidly (1934-35) obliged Cleopatre Company to insert a spreader into the lid for an easier usage and a product differentiation. But the main development was to introduce an almond scent into the glue.

one tiny pot

This wonderful idea, never copied among the “glue world” manufacturers, will become the scented symbol of their school years for generations of school children.

The important fame of this product should not hide the invention, during the same period, of the liquid glues. They are still distributed today: the “Adhesive” transparent glue and the “Cleocol” special glue for binding and framing.

adhesive potsnew pots

The Fifties: the modernization years

During the 1950’s, the pots are manufactured in plastic. The brush is replaced by a flexible plastic spreader inserted into a special part of the pot. The products range increased in order to answer the demand of the offices and of the school markets.

In 1954, the “Etablissements CLEOPATRE”, as the company was then called, was sold to a new owner. In 1959, the company moved to a new building in the 20th district of Paris (153 bis rue Pelleport Paris XX).

Then the manufacturing processes became all integrated: plastic injection for the pots, blowing glass for the bottles, glue production and filling of the containers.

The Sixties and the Seventies: the “school” years

In 1963, the shape of the pot is modified to integrate a central empty column where the spreader, integrated into the lid, can fit in. The lid is now colored in orange.

1971, the company moves again in Touraine, in the little town of Ballan-Miré, close to Tours.

Then, a new development in the products range saw the major appearance of the glue sticks.

During the Eighties, the color of the lid has been changed from orange to blue and has been a major event for schoolchildren of the time that is still remembered! Fortunately, the almond scent and the potato starch remained in the glue formula!

Year 2000: a new management for Cléopâtre Company

In 2000, the actual owner wanted to retired and he accepted to transfer Cléopâtre Company’s control to a young manager, Alexandre Marionnet. The new owner motivation was to give a new start to Colles-Cléopâtre company with the objective of becoming the glue specialist for kids.

The company potential was unquestionable and the brand name was famous with a high emotional capital. Therefore, before re-launching the products range, its core identity had to be reconfirmed: the tiny pot of white glue, the special spreader and the almond scent. It was important to base the renewal on the strong values of the past in order to give a real meaningful future to the company.

There was no need to erase the past, on the contrary it was necessary to accept a “break”: give a new look to the products and their packaging and diversify the production while including the respect and quality of the environment into every processes.

Princess Cléo